Topic outline

  • WORKSHOP in Parma


    The purpose of the Workshop in Parma is to understand the issues involved in e-learning education and analyse the Bologna Process (BP) and the European environment with suggested ways of enhancing education quality, with a focus on Italy status


    At the end of the Workshop week, the participants are expected:

    • to know the e-learning strategies as applied to Higher and Further education in Italy
    • to understand the quality indicators, the different approaches of stakeholders, the procedures of e-learning in Higher and Further education
    • to analyse the issues of quality of e-learning and recognition of qualifications to prepare a project of e-learning for further education courses 
  • Introduction

    Welcome and Introduction

    Department of Information Engineering Via Usberti 181/a 

    Distance learning in Parma: history and status

    University of Parma participants

    Vice Director Prof.ssa DE MUNARI Ilaria | tel. +39 0521 905834 | 

    Prof. ZANICHELLI Francesco | tel. +39 0521 905710 |

    Prof. CASELLI Stefano | tel. +39 0521 905724 | stefano.caselli@unipr

    Prof. FERRARI Gianluigi | tel. +39 0521 906513 |

    Prof. LOCATELLI Marco | tel. +39 0521 905711 |

  • Distance learning: issues and trends

    Distance learning in Europe, in Armenia and in Italy: issues and trends

    Interdepartmental Centre UNIPR CoLab Via S. Michele 9

    Virtual universities - emerging models

    As the higher education community has moved to adopt ICT to support the teaching and learning function and as an international marketplace appears to be taking shape, a variety of institutional models has begun to emerge. Various classifications have been proposed, but for the purpose of this Project, the focus will be placed on four main institutional types:

    • a newly created institution operating as a virtual university;
    • an evolution of an existing institution, with a unit or arm offering virtual education;
    • a consortium of partners constituted to develop and/or offer virtual education;
    • a commercial enterprise offering online education.

    University of Parma participants

    TAMMARO Anna Maria |

    MANSFIELD Gillian | tel. +39 0521 034705 |

    VALERO GISBERT Maria Joaquina | tel. +39 0521 034709 |

    VALLA Sara | tel. +39 0521 034744 |


  • Case studies

    Good Practice: Presentation of Modena University Distance Education Center

    Good Practice Presentation of Federica University of Naples and Italy University Line Campus

    Project Work: Case studies in Armenia 

  • Topic 4

    Focus group on e-learning: issues and trends

  • Topic 5

  • Topic 6

  • Topic 7

  • Topic 8

  • Topic 9

  • Topic 10

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