Attività settimanale

  • Introduction

    Aim of the internship

    To provide the student with the opportunity to know about digital library development in Italy and Europe and applying the knowledge and understanding as well as the personal transferable skills acquired in the programme in their work environment.

    Learning outcomes

    On completion of this module, students are expected to be able to:

    - have developed an understanding of digital library development in Italy and Europe;

    - demonstrate evidence and reflect on new learning about knowledge, skills and abilities required for digital library programmes;

    Internship content

    • Preservation
    • Data curation
    • Collection development
    • Typologies of digital resources
    • Institutional repositories
    • Discovery tools
    • Information literacy
    • Digital Humanities
    • Sustainability
    • Information policy

    Indicative student workload

    Students are required to stay in the University and the host organisations a minimum of 125 hours

    Internship delivery

    Students are required to attend specific staff development workshops as designated by the Parma University.

    In addition internship delivery is by means of on-the-job training in Parma Libraries. 

    Assessment plan

    Reflective report and revised CV

    Assessment is conducted by means of staff of the University. Students will be given formative evaluation halfway and a final, summative evaluation at the end of their working period.

    The student is required to provide a portfolio of evidence which will contain:

    1. The initial learning contract agreed between the student and Parma University
    2. The results of the formative evaluation
    3. Any additional evidence from performance reviews and development activities
    4. The final summative evaluation.
  • 18 novembre - 24 novembre


    10:00 Induction of University of Parma

    12:00 Learning agreement

    Students should agree with the Internship supervisors on which competences to work on in particular.

    1. Their starting point should be the student’s own personal development goals with relation to the expected activities.
    2. The students’s personal performance should be central to the criteria of choice.
    3. There are one or more learning outcomes to the student's work that can be stated at the outset of the internship and evaluated at the end.

    19:00 International Library Parma: creating an international community


    10:00 Sigtiseeing Parma with Elena Feboli (art historian)


    11:00-12:00 Meeting with Internship supervisor Anna Maria Tammaro

    Campus Room 24

    14:00-16:00 Workshop

    Next Generation Digital Library

    Campus Room N


    Case study: Development of DSpace UNIPR, the institutional repository of Parma University

    Virtual visit


    Case study: Biblioteca Palatina. Evolution of an historical library into a Digital Library

  • 25 novembre - 1 dicembre


    14:00-16:00 Workshop

    Digital Philology

    Campus Room N 

    IMPORTANT: The room has been changed to B4 and the tiime of the Workshop has been anticipated to 12.30


    16:00-17:00 Videoconference with US North Carolina University

    Campus Room 24


    9:45-17:00 Plagiarism

    Bologna University. Alma Mater Studiorum, Rettorato, Sala VIII Centenario


    First summative report

  • 2 dicembre - 8 dicembre


    Case study: Servizio Biblioteche  Università di Parma. Inteview about  Information Literacy

    h. 9 Interview with Monica Vezzosi

    Piazzale S. Francesco


    Case study: International Library of Parma: interview about how to build an international community

    Interview with the responsible of the International Library


    Welcome by the University Rector

    Rettorato Via Università 12


    Case study: Palatina Library: interview about evolution of automation in the Library

    h 12 Interview with Director of the Library Sabrina Magrini



  • 9 dicembre - 15 dicembre


    h 11 Meeting with Internship supervisor


    Conference Trusted Repositories, trusted professionals

    Florence, 11-12 December 2012

    Suggested Webinars

    1. Instituzional repositories

    2. Interoperability of repositories

    3. Convergence

    4. DAM

    5. Business Case for DAM


    Assignment Students will prepare their revised CV using EUROPASS

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